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Nozzles: Selection and Sizing


442-032 (BSE-262P)

Authors as Published

Authored by Robert “Bobby” Grisso, Extension Engineer, Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech; Shawn D. Askew, Associate Professor, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech; and David McCall, Assistant Professor, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech

This publication is available in a PDF file format only.

This fact sheet covers nozzle description, recommended use for common nozzle types, and orifice sizing for agricultural and turf sprayers. Proper selection of a nozzle type and size is essential for correct and accurate pesticide application. The nozzle is a major factor in determining the amount of spray applied to an area, uniformity of application, coverage obtained on the target surface, and amount of potential drift.

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Publication Date

August 13, 2019