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Balancing Life: Coping with Back to School Stressors



Authors as Published

Renee Nordan, Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Bethany Eigel

The number and types of stressors related to heading back to school are unprecedented, as is the mental toll it is taking on adults and youth. As adults, how can we manage the barrage of emotions we’re feeling? How can we support the students in our lives as many are returning to in-person school for the first time in over one year. For others, the new Delta variant and conversations about masking are adding to the stress overload. In this session, Mental Health America of Fauquier County will share strategies we can all use.

Presenter: Renee Nordan, Mental Health Association of Fauquier Co.

Hosts: Crystal Tyler-Mackey and the VCE Human Development Team

For more videos in this series, visit Balancing Life.

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Publication Date

August 24, 2021