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Balancing Life: Family Communications Strategies



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Presenter: Reginald R. Morris, Capitol Youth Empowerment Program; and Hosts: Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Bethany Eigel and the VCE Human Development Team.

This resource is available as a video only.

Have you ever felt like your family was suffering from a serious case of “missing signals?” No matter what you do, misunderstanding and confusion continue to wreak havoc on your home. Don’t worry, you’re not alone and there’s a workable solution to get everyone back on track. It’s called family communication. Family communication can be complicated but it doesn't have to be difficult. View to learn a few family communication strategies that will leave everyone at home (and away) feeling heard, valued, and connected.

Presenter: Reginald R. Morris, Capitol Youth Empowerment Program 

Hosts: CrystalTyler-Mackey, Bethany Eigel and the VCE Human Development Team.  

For more videos in this series, visit

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Publication Date

April 19, 2022